The Brilliant Oval, 56 facets Unsaid Library is a jewelry store based in Antwerp. Unsaid Library specialises in emotional gifts for relatives. Unsaid Library Antwerp can be visited in the store. The store of Unsaid Library Antwerp is located on Schuttershofstraat 25, 2000 Antwerpen, België. Visit the store or the online website. Measuring a diamond Cut Refinement means the precise finishing of the overall appearance. How regular is the roundabout, is the fillet heavy or light, are there symmetry differences between the crown and the pavilion side, do the facets fit straight together, is the fillet exactly in the middle or is the table positioned decentrally? All these things have a direct influence on the play of light in the stone. It is man-made, as opposed to the purity, colour and partly the weight. It is therefore a major price determining factor in the four “C”‘s: a stone with a nice round weight, flawless and the highest colour in a brilliant cut can look like a top stone, but if the stone is cut too deep (nail) or too shallow (fish-eye) then the play of light in the stone is dead and the stone has a lower value. Carat Clarity Table for the purity in relation to the visibility of the internal surface of the diamond. Unsaid Library is a jewelry store based in Antwerp. Unsaid Library specialises in emotional gifts for relatives. Unsaid Library Antwerp can be visited in the store. The store of Unsaid Library Antwerp is located on Schuttershofstraat 25, 2000 Antwerpen, België. Visit the store or the online website. Der Blaue Wittelsbacher, a 31 carat Fancy Deep Blue diamond. |